Crabtree Amusements, Todd Armstrong Shows, and Wagner’s Carnival are Amusement Midway Providers!

5348 Vegas Dr #269
Las Vegas NV 89108
Phone: 702-350-1850
Earlier this year, I noticed that Crabtree Amusements’ website and social media presence had been taken over by Amusement Midway Providers. AMP’s website made it unclear if they were an old show taking in other carnivals, a collaboration of a few carnivals joining forces, or if this was just Crabtree rebranded.
With a bit of research, it looks like AMP is actually Crabtree Amusements + Todd Armstrong Shows + Wagner’s Carnival. I had to see if one of my favorite carnivals had been changed by this merger! So, I zoomed on over to the 2023 Gilmer, Texas Yamboree.
Concession Stands

There’s a special place in my heart for carnival concession stands. Especially the ones that sell cotton candy, candy apples, and popcorn.
The concession stands have changed a lot in the 22 years since I traveled with this carnival. I love the new look! I was surprised to see that they have cheese and caramel corn in addition to regular popcorn. And I had the most delicious, fresh caramel apple with peanuts for lunch.


I was delighted to see so many familiar rides scattered throughout the midway! I decided not to try any due to a migraine. But I loved hearing the excitement of children and adults as they discussed what they rode last year and what they wanted to get in line for next!

I don’t spend as much time walking down the line of games now that my daughter has grown up. They were always more her thing. But once again, I was happy to see some familiar games and those classic overgrown stuffed animal prizes along with a few things new.

Don’t let the empty-ish midway fool you! I try to go to events during low-traffic times so I can get some pictures and talk with employees if they aren’t too busy. I didn’t really get to talk to anybody this time though. They were all to busy providing a memorable experience for their visitors!
I am excited to see what the future holds for AMP!
All of the concession stands I walked up to looked amazing! As did some of the rides and games. Several other rides and game booths looked like they were ready for an end-of-year touch-up paint job. But that didn’t stop the smiles, laughter, or excitement of a day at the carnival!
I’m eager to see what the rebranded midway looks like next year!